
Showing posts from June, 2019

Simple app for beginners. Nuked Code [0]

The code has been nuked. There is the pilot video on my channel. In this video you will learn how to make a simple app for iOS by using Swift 5 and Xcode. Also this video covers the basic information about constants and variables, Xcode interface and NSAttributedString or attributed, coloured text as a bonus. 12 minutes of puuuuure content. Used code: import UIKit class ViewController : UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var messagesLabel : UILabel ! @IBOutlet weak var messageTextField : UITextField ! var messages = NSMutableAttributedString ( ) let firstAttribute : [ NSAttributedString . Key : Any ] = [ . foregroundColor : UIColor . blue ] let secondAttribute : [ NSAttributedString . Key : Any ] = [ . foregroundColor : UIColor . purple ] var useFirstAttribute : Bool = true override func viewDidLoad ( ) { super . viewDidLoad ( ) messagesLabel . text = nil